Before the Flood

Leonardo DiCaprio’s new movie, Before the Flood, has been released. It is a good film about what’s coming to us if we keep up our CO2-emissions. Leonardo is a well-known nature ocean lover and of course coral reefs show up in his movie as well: in just the past 30 years, about half of all coral reefs worldwide have diminished. Luckily, solutions are available.

It's time for action

Important thing is to be more aware of what you do and what impact this has on the climate. One of the simplest solutions is to start a more plant-based diet as the meat industry significantly contributes to climate change. If this is a bridge to far for you, start by replacin steak with chicken. That already makes a huge difference in greenhouse gas emissions, destruction of rain forests and water use.

What is also encouraging is that Tesla is building a huge factory for the production of solar panels and batteries. If we build 100 of these plants worldwide, we can realise the renewable energy world.

Leonardo in de gigafabriek van Tesla.
Leonardo in Tesla’s huge new factory.

Even more interesting are the reactions on this documentary. Leonardo’s life style is not what you might call environmentally preferable. He is also known to have had business with a Malaysian businessman, while Malaysia burns much flat growth forests to create palm oil plantations. Even Al Gore came to be personally attacked when his film The Inconvenient Truth was released. The same happened to the scientists from IPCC after the publication of their report on na Climate Change.

It is quite strange that this kind of accusations happen and that you often hear threats directed at advocates for a healthy environment. But have you ever heard about the lifestyle of Senator James Inhofe, the man who showed the US Senate a snowball to prove there could be no global warming because there was still snow outside? Or about the dubious business deals of one of the many other climate deniers? In short, “shooting the messenger” is easier than dealing with the real problem.

Geen brandend zand, maar brandend water door chemische vervuiling.
No, it ‘s not burning hot sand but burning, chemically polluted water

Watch this movie freely, form your own opinion and find out how you can participate for a better environment. We regularly share tips and methods to live more environmentally friendly on our social media. Sometimes it is in the small and easy things, but every now and then you have to consider stepping out of your comfort zone.

Good luck with your positive changes! We wish you a healthy future!