My first time to World Ocean Day

My first time to World Ocean Day – Sea the Future, organized by Sea First.
My main reason for going; the meeting with my friends from CoralGardening who were there on Sunday with their booth. And the good news was that this event was not that far away (Den Bosch).

Uitleg waarom koraal riffen zo belangrijk zijn voor ons mensen.
Explanation why coral reefs are so important to us humans.

Veran and Frank are engaged in gardening with coral under water.
Thanks to their efforts, a new piece of artificial coral reef is being constructed. On World Ocean Day there was information at their booth about the work they do in Thailand. Since the youth has the future, there were clay workshops. The children were invited to think about (practical) solutions, so that the coral can continue to exist. The children could make an underwater house for the fish and other animals. There were beautiful creation. A real ceramicist bakes everything in a huge oven and the artworks end up at the home of the young makers.

Kinderen vermaakte zich prima tijdens de workshop Koraal Tuinieren.
Children enjoyed themselves very well during the workshop CoralGardening.
Een huis voor vissen met zeemeermin.
A house for fish with mermaid.

The sports hall was full of stalls, including vegan food and I finally bought a toothbrush made of bamboo (sustainable).
It was a lot of fun outside of the sports hall. There were a number of food trucks and stalls with delicious vegan food and there were friendly ladies with delicious fresh smoothies (drinking cups and straws made of corn). And not to be overlooked at all, there was a tank where you could dive in.

Foodtrucks met heerlijk gezond eten.
Food trucks with delicious healthy food.

In the hall of the sports complex were mermaids with which you could take a picture of. Various lectures were given in different rooms, raising awareness about the importance of the sea and especially the underwater life for us, as humanity. In a separate section you could experience what impact pollution, especially plastic, has on marine life. There was also a space focused on coral, with an aquarium with live corals. It was a visual experiance.

A visual impression:

Er waren stand met verschillende onderwerpen, met een gemene deler: een gezonde oceaan en een gezond leven.
There were booths with various topics and a common denominator: a healthy ocean and a healthy life.
Er werd veel informatie verstrek op World Ocean Day.
There was a lot of information on World Ocean Day.
Een dood stuk koraal, waarop de poliepen goed te zien zijn.
A dead piece of coral, on which the polyps can be clearly seen.
Plastic soup in de oceaan is een groot probleem voor natuur en mens.
Plastic soup in the ocean is a big problem for nature and humanity.

It was a beautiful day; with friendly encounters, lots of information and interaction.


A visual impression: